Monthly Archives: March 2012

What is an Online Trainer and are They Effective?

Are you desperate to get in shape or lose weight? Have you considered hiring a personal trainer but don’t have the money? Or, maybe money isn’t so much the issue. Maybe you just live in a place where a personal trainer isn’t an option. No matter what your reason for considering an online personal trainer, it is important that you recognize the benefits as well as the disadvantages. Learn more about what an online personal trainer is, how to find a good one, and whether or not they are right for you.

What is an Online Personal Trainer?

An online trainer is more a program than a person. This program offers you help with everything you need to be successful including diet planning, exercise routines, as well as other resources that you may need. However, it is important to keep in mind that different personal training sites will have different options and tools for you to use. In most cases, the more you pay for, the more benefits and tools you receive.

What is the Cost?

Cost can vary from one online training program to the next. Some are completely free to use. Others offer you more tools and benefits if you sign up for a paid membership. There are some that offer a limited time free membership that must be paid for once the trial is over. Still others want you to pay your membership up front. While it may be tempting to go for the free membership, it is important to keep in mind that you may have to sacrifice some useful tools by going for a free online personal trainer.

What Can an Online Personal Trainer Offer You?

While an online trainer is not the same as a personal trainer in person, there are many benefits to using an online personal trainer. These benefits can help you reach your goals and for a lot less money than working one-on-one with a personal trainer.

First, an online trainer can offer you personalized programs that are designed to match your level of fitness, personal goals, the equipment you have available, and your medical history. Having a program designed especially for you is important when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. Everyone has different fitness goals and these differences determine which fitness program works best for you.

Most online trainer programs offer you encouragement, motivation, and even accountability. Each online personal trainer will put this into practice in their own unique way. However, a couple of examples include diet and exercise logs, email encouragements, and email tips. Motivation and accountability are an important part of achieving success in your fitness goals.

Variety can help eliminate boredom and burnout. This is something that personal training offers you. This extends to online personal training. Once you feel like you have outgrown your program, you can simply change it to fit your new level of fitness.

Some programs, mostly paid programs, offer you online videos so that you can learn how to do the workouts properly. Not only is learning how to do them correctly important for achieving your fitness goals, it is important to preventing injury. This can be a big benefit for individuals who have not spent a great deal of time exercising or at the gym.

Online Trainer Disadvantages

All of the benefits can really help individuals reach their fitness goals. However, there are also some disadvantages to using an online trainer. These disadvantages should be considered carefully before committing to an online training program.

First, you need to consider whether or not you can be accountable enough to yourself to stick with the program. While you do have accountability components in place, it still comes down to you. You have to be responsible for the items that you put in your body. Only you really know if you try hard enough during your workouts. You don’t have a personal trainer standing there, watching you, and making sure that you push yourself hard enough.

Another thing to consider is health conditions. In some cases, it is best to work with a personal trainer one-on-one. This is something that you should discuss with your doctor. You may even want to print out a sample exercise program and take it to your doctor so that they can accurately evaluate the program.

An online personal trainer has helped many people reach their goals but they aren’t right for everyone. Just be sure that, before you commit to a personal trainer online, that you have given some careful consideration as to whether or not it is right for you.

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Posted by on March 12, 2012 in Uncategorized


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